
What we do

World-class care

We are dedicated to providing world class professional, comprehensive, and enjoyable quality care for developmentally disabled, senior citizens and veterans.

Partner with hospitals

We partner with state hospitals, support coordinators, and the Georgia Department Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities.

Provide education, experience, and activities

We provide education, experience, and activities coupled with a family appeal and a tender touch so that our individual’s live to the fullest and look eagerly forward to each new day.

In-take process

Every interaction and experience comes down to the caring touch of our associates and the amenities that our residents are provided throughout every day. With more than 30 years of experience, we have developed a three-step intake process that is customized to each resident.
  • 1
    Gather necessary paperwork

  • 2
    Schedule consultation call

  • 3
    Develop care plan